Latest COVID advice  (updates sent to couples)

Click link for Vern's email:  

FOB=Father of the Bride MOB=Mother of the Bride
FOG=Father of the Groom MOG=Mother of the Groom
M=Minister  BM=Best Man MH=Maid/Matron of Honor  

VERN'S SCHEDULED EVENTS  AT PILGRIM CHAPEL =================================
2024 =======================================================================

EVT Date Da Time  1stPARTY                 2ndPARTY              Comment      

REH 1004 Fr 7 pm  
Rachelle                 Joshua                Planned
WED 1005 Sa 1:30  Rachelle                 Joshua                planned

WED 1012 Sa 3:3~  Matthew
Steinle          Erika Vantuyl         emailed 0829
                                                           emailed again 0915

REH 1213 Fr 5 pm Erin          
                                 emailed 0905
WED 1214 Sa 3:3~ Erin                                            emailed 0905


 PLEASE REPORT ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS.======================================
 WEDding=reg rent  1hr=Court  PLN=planng@Chpl  REHearsal   BAPtism   
 Time may be      (1) when the event starts or         (2) ~reservation slot   

 FEE SCHEDULE ==============================================================
 SERVICE with emails only $125,  +   planning mtg $175,   +   rehearsal $225
 B|aptism . H|our/brief Wed . M|emorial . R|ehearl+ . Vow-reNewal . W|eddng

 I am not available Sunday mornings, but I am happy to officate when wedding
 ceremonies themselves begin 1 pm or after. (I can arrive by 12:30.)


Before or after special seatings (as for parents and other close relatives), an informal greeting may be offered, and candles may be lit.

Several ways of formal entrances are in use. You will want to decide on which style or how to adapt one according to your wishes.

+These plans can be enhanced if the groom escorts a mother (or other relatives) to his/her/their seat(s) from the rear and then takes his place with the minister (and best man and groomsmen) in the chancel area.

1 or 1+. Traditional Plan   T
Minister, Groom & Best Man enter from side
Processional:  down aisle honored men, 
then women, flower girl & ring-bearer, escorted bride 

2 or 2+. Chapel Plan     L
Minister, Groom & Groomsmen enter from side
Processional:  down aisle honored women, 
flower girl & ring-bearer, escorted bride 

3 or 3+. Paired Plan     P
Minister, Groom enter from side
Processional:  down aisle attendants paired, 
flower girl & ring-bearer, escorted bride

4 or 4=. Couple Plan    C
     =after seating guest, groom returns to door,  escorts bride.
Minister enters from side
Processional:  down aisle Groom and Bride enter together,
followed by (or after) attendants

5. Custom Plan     or m
Develop this with your minister (and wedding planner).

+ Groom seats guest (often mom), then joins minister in chancel
