CRES Speakers
Interfaith Council's updated Speakers
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American Indian, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian-Roman Catholic, Christian-Protestant, Christian-Orthodox, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi, Unitarian Universalist,Wiccan, Zoroastrian faiths FOR ARCHIVAL
Each listing may include Faith; a community leader (with title or position); Interfaith Council member and alternate; speaker's name, address (KC = Kansas City, SM = Shawnee Mission), email, telephones (home, work; MO ac=816, KS ac=913), subject(s) or expertise, schedule availabity, (such as evenings and weekends only), notes.
Click on the button for
American Indian, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian-Roman Catholic, Christian-Protestant, Christian-Orthodox, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi, Unitarian Universalist,Wiccan, Zoroastrian faiths FOR ARCHIVAL
Each listing may include Faith; a community leader
(with title or position); Interfaith Council member and alternate; speaker's
name, address (KC = Kansas City, SM = Shawnee Mission), email, telephones
(home, work; MO ac=816, KS ac=913), subject(s) or expertise, schedule availabity,
(such as evenings and weekends only), notes.
Click on the button for
American Indian, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian-Roman Catholic, Christian-Protestant, Christian-Orthodox, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi, Unitarian Universalist,Wiccan, Zoroastrian faiths FOR ARCHIVAL
Each listing may include Faith; a community leader
(with title or position); Interfaith Council member and alternate; speaker's
name, address (KC = Kansas City, SM = Shawnee Mission), email, telephones
(home, work; MO ac=816, KS ac=913), subject(s) or expertise, schedule availabity,
(such as evenings and weekends only), notes.
Click on the button for
American Indian, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian-Roman Catholic, Christian-Protestant, Christian-Orthodox, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi, Unitarian Universalist,Wiccan, Zoroastrian faiths FOR ARCHIVAL
Each listing may include Faith; a community leader
(with title or position); Interfaith Council member and alternate; speaker's
name, address (KC = Kansas City, SM = Shawnee Mission), email, telephones
(home, work; MO ac=816, KS ac=913), subject(s) or expertise, schedule availabity,
(such as evenings and weekends only), notes.
Click on the button for
American Indian, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian-Roman Catholic, Christian-Protestant, Christian-Orthodox, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi, Unitarian Universalist,Wiccan, Zoroastrian faiths FOR ARCHIVAL
Each listing may include Faith; a community leader
(with title or position); Interfaith Council member and alternate; speaker's
name, address (KC = Kansas City, SM = Shawnee Mission), email, telephones
(home, work; MO ac=816, KS ac=913), subject(s) or expertise, schedule availabity,
(such as evenings and weekends only), notes.
Click on the button for
American Indian, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian-Roman Catholic, Christian-Protestant, Christian-Orthodox, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi, Unitarian Universalist,Wiccan, Zoroastrian faiths FOR ARCHIVAL
Each listing may include Faith; a community leader
(with title or position); Interfaith Council member and alternate; speaker's
name, address (KC = Kansas City, SM = Shawnee Mission), email, telephones
(home, work; MO ac=816, KS ac=913), subject(s) or expertise, schedule availabity,
(such as evenings and weekends only), notes.
Click on the button for
American Indian, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian-Roman Catholic, Christian-Protestant, Christian-Orthodox, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi, Unitarian Universalist,Wiccan, Zoroastrian faiths FOR ARCHIVAL
Each listing may include Faith; a community leader
(with title or position); Interfaith Council member and alternate; speaker's
name, address (KC = Kansas City, SM = Shawnee Mission), email, telephones
(home, work; MO ac=816, KS ac=913), subject(s) or expertise, schedule availabity,
(such as evenings and weekends only), notes.
Click on the button for
American Indian, Baha'i, Buddhist,Christian-Roman Catholic, Christian-Protestant, Christian-Orthodox, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi, Unitarian Universalist,Wiccan, Zoroastrian faiths FOR ARCHIVAL
Each listing may include Faith; a community leader
(with title or position); Interfaith Council member and alternate; speaker's
name, address (KC = Kansas City, SM = Shawnee Mission), email, telephones
(home, work; MO ac=816, KS ac=913), subject(s) or expertise, schedule availabity,
(such as evenings and weekends only), notes.
Click on the button for
American Indian, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian-Roman Catholic, Christian-Protestant, Christian-Orthodox, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi, Unitarian Universalist,Wiccan, Zoroastrian faiths FOR ARCHIVAL
Each listing may include Faith; a community leader
(with title or position); Interfaith Council member and alternate; speaker's
name, address (KC = Kansas City, SM = Shawnee Mission), email, telephones
(home, work; MO ac=816, KS ac=913), subject(s) or expertise, schedule availabity,
(such as evenings and weekends only), notes.
Click on the button for
American Indian, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian-Roman Catholic, Christian-Protestant, Christian-Orthodox, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi, Unitarian Universalist,Wiccan, Zoroastrian faiths FOR ARCHIVAL
Each listing may include Faith; a community leader
(with title or position); Interfaith Council member and alternate; speaker's
name, address (KC = Kansas City, SM = Shawnee Mission), email, telephones
(home, work; MO ac=816, KS ac=913), subject(s) or expertise, schedule availabity,
(such as evenings and weekends only), notes.
Click on the button for
American Indian, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian-Roman Catholic, Christian-Protestant, Christian-Orthodox, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi, Unitarian Universalist,Wiccan, Zoroastrian faiths FOR ARCHIVAL
Each listing may include Faith; a community leader
(with title or position); Interfaith Council member and alternate; speaker's
name, address (KC = Kansas City, SM = Shawnee Mission), email, telephones
(home, work; MO ac=816, KS ac=913), subject(s) or expertise, schedule availabity,
(such as evenings and weekends only), notes.
Click on the button for
American Indian, Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian-Roman Catholic, Christian-Protestant, Christian-Orthodox, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Sufi, Unitarian Universalist,Wiccan, Zoroastrian faiths FOR ARCHIVAL
Each listing may include Faith; a community leader
(with title or position); Interfaith Council member and alternate; speaker's
name, address (KC = Kansas City, SM = Shawnee Mission), email, telephones
(home, work; MO ac=816, KS ac=913), subject(s) or expertise, schedule availabity,
(such as evenings and weekends only), notes.
American Indian Spirituality COUNCIL MEMBER: The Rev Dr Kara Hawkins, 6642 Halsey St. Shawnee, Kansas 66216; KaraHawk@aol.com; 913-268-7223 ALTERNATE: The Rev Lee Slusher (Stumbling Deer), 7110 Antioch, Merriam, KS 66204; 913.362.0904 SPEAKERS: the Rev Kara Hawkins
and the Rev Lee Slusher--contact information above.
Baha'i COUNCIL MEMBER: Barb McAtee, (h) 913.262.9319, (w) 913.588.5128 OFFICE: 6515 Independence Av, KCMO 64125, 816.231.5000 and 816.231.5010. SPEAKERS: Barb McAtee, above
Buddhism COUNCIL MEMBER: Lama Chuck Stanford, 7209 Black Bob Dr, Stillwell, KS 66085; lama108@aol.com, 913.897.5316 SPEAKERS: Chuck Stanford, above
Christianity – Roman Catholic CATHOLIC BISHOPS
COUNCIL MEMBER: George M Noonan, Chancellor, Diocese of Kansas City—St Joseph; PO Box 419037, KCMO 64141-6037, 816.756.1850, noonan@diocesekcsj.org OFFICES: Catholic Chancery (300 E 36th, KCMO), PO
Box 419037, KCMO 64141-6037, 816.756.1850
SPEAKERS from the Chancery, PO Box 419037, KCMO
64141-6937; 816.756.1850:
Josef Walker, Adult Education & Evangelization
Director, St Mark’s Catholic Church, 3736 Lee’s Summit Rd, Independence,
MO 64055; (w) 816.373.2600, (h) 816.358.9230, josefwalk@aol.com
Christianity – Orthodox SPEAKERS:
Christianity – Protestant COUNCIL MEMBER: The Rev Dr
Wallace Hartsfield
PROTESTANT WORLD HEADQUARTERS Church of the Nazarene — Dr Jack Stone, General Secretary; 6401 The Paseo, KCMO 64131; 816.333.7000; Dr William Miller, Council observer Community of Christ — The Rev W Grant McMurray, President and Council observer, World Headquarters. 1001 W Walnut, Independence, MO 64050; 816.833.1000; gmcmurray@cofchrist.com Unity — Association of Unity Churches, Glenn Moseley,
President, PO Box 610, Lee’s Summit, MO 64065; 816.524.741;
— Unity, Tom Zender, President, Unity Village, MO 64065; Unity Institute,
The Rev. Toni G. Boehm, Director; The Rev Sharon Connors, Council observer
PROMINENT PROTESTANT JUDICATORY & SEMINARY HEADS African Methodist Episcopal Church, 5th Episcopal District, The Reverend Joseph Forbes, Presiding Elder; PO Box 2448, KCKS 66110 Blue River-Kansas City Southern Baptist Association, Dr Nodell Dennis, Executive Director, 4001 NE Lakewood Way, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064, 816.795.1822 Central Baptist Theological Seminary (American Baptist), Dr Jim McCrossen, President (interim), 741 North 31st St, KCKS 66102; 913.371.5313 Christian Church-Disciples of Christ, The Reverend Dr Paul Diehl, Regional Minister, 5700 Broadmoor #702, SMKS 66202; 913.432.1414 Community of Christ Seminary, Dean Don H. Compier, Graceland University, 401 W. Truman Rd; Independence, MO 64050; 816.833.0524 Episcopal Diocese of West Missouri, Bishop Barry Howe, 420 West 14th Street, KCMO 64105 Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Bishop Gerald Mansholt, 3210 Michigan 4th Flr. KCMO 64109; 816.861.6584 Heartland Presbytery, The Reverend Craig Palmer (interim), Executive Presbytery, 3210 Michigan, KCMO 64109 816.924.1730 New Era Missionary Baptist District, The Reverend John Modest Miles, Moderator, Morning Star Baptist Church, 2411 E. 27th Street, KCMO 64127; 816.923.3559 Pentecostal, Bishop Daniel M Jordan, 800 E Meyer Blvd, KCMO 64131-1115 Presbyterian, Synod of Mid-America, The Reverend Dr John Williams, 6400 Glenwood #111, Overland Park, KS 66202; 913.384.3020, (fax) 913.384.0612 Saint Paul School of Theology (United Methodist), Myron F McCoy, President, 5123 Truman Road, KCMO 64127; 816.483.9600 United Church of Christ, The Reverend F Dale Parson, Associate Conference Minster, 717 Piute, Independence, MO 64056; 816.257.9826 United Methodist Church — Missouri Conference, Bishop Ann Sherer, 4800 Santana Circle, Columbia, MO 65203; 573.441.1770 United Methodist Church, The Reverend Ken Luetjen, District Superintendent, 4240 Blue Ridge Blvd #700, KCMO 64133; 816.743.9098
Hinduism COUNCIL MEMBER: Kris Krishna, 12924 Howe Drive, Shawnee Mission, KS 66209 (h) 913.491.1662, krishna63@earthlink.net OFFICE: Hindu Temple & Cultural Ctr, 6330 Lackman, SMKS 66217; 913.631.7519 SPEAKERS:
Uma, Vedanta Society, 8701 Ward Pkwy, KCMO 64114, 816.444.8045, lsprugh@yahoo.com
Islam COUNCIL MEMBER: A Rauf Mir, MD, 12613 Sagamore, SMKS 66209, 913.345.8317, araufmir@yahoo.com COUNCIL ALTERNATE: Rushdy El-Ghussein, rushdyel@aol.com SPEAKERS:
Jainism OFFICE:
Judaism COUNCIL MEMBER: Rabbi Jacques Cukierkorn, New Reform Temple, 7100 Main St, KCMO 64114; Cukiekorn@sbcglobal, 816.523.7809 KC RABBINICAL ASSOCIATION: Rabbi Amy Wallk Katz, President, 13147 Rosewood, SMKS 66209 SPEAKERS: contact Jewish Community Relations
Bureau/American Jewish Committee, 5801 W 115, SMKS 66211; 913.327.8100
Paganism COUNCIL MEMBER: Caroline Baughman, 819 E 80, KCMO 64131, (c) 816.729.7112, breath_of_gold@earthlink.net ALTERNATE: Mike Nichols, mike_nichols@geocities.com OFFICE: Heartland Spiritual Alliance, Box 3407, KCKS 66103 SPEAKERS: Caroline Baughman, above; Mike Nichols,
Sikh Dharma COUNCIL MEMBER: Karta Purkh S Khalsa, 3525 Walnut, KCMO 64111, 816.561.5337, kpurkakhalsa@kc.rr.com OFFICES:
Sufism COUNCIL MEMBER: Ali Kadr, 1840 Newton, KCMO 64126, (h) 816.483.8077, (w) 816.556.9246, Larry_Sousley@ffic.com ALTERNATE: Rahima Sweeney, martyk@allspecies.org, 816.333.5663 COMMUNITY LEADER: Allaudin Ottinger, 4600 Lloyd, KCKS 66103; 913.432.3365 SPEAKERS: Ali Kadr, above
Unitarian Universalism COUNCIL MEMBER: Kathy Riegelman, 5726 Kenwood, KCMO 64110, (h) 816.444.5755, KRiegelman@aol.com SPEAKERS: Kathy Riegelman, above
Zoroastrianism COUNCIL MEMBER: Daryoush Jahanian, MD, 1835 N 78th Place, KCKS 66112; 913.334.4084 COMMUNITY LEADER: Daryoush Jahanian, MD, above SPEAKERS: Daryoush Jahanian, MD, above; Availability: evenings; Note: Dr Jahanian has written a paper and a book on Zoroastrianism. OUT OF TOWN LECTURERS on Zoroastrianism:
UPDATE 2015 October PROTESTANT WORLD HEADQUARTERS Church of the Nazarene —
Community of Christ — The Rev Steve Veazey,
Unity — Association of Unity Churches,
PROMINENT PROTESTANT JUDICATORY & SEMINARY HEADS African Methodist Episcopal Church, 5th Episcopal
Blue River-Kansas City Southern Baptist Association,
Central Baptist Theological Seminary (American Baptist),
Christian Church-Disciples of Christ,
Community of Christ Seminary, Matt Frizzell,
Dean of Community of Christ Seminary
Episcopal Diocese of West Missouri, Bishop
Martin Field,
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Central
States Synod
Heartland Presbytery,
Synod of Mid-America, Presbyterian Church
Saint Paul School of Theology (United Methodist),
Myron F
United Church of Christ,
United Church of Christ,
United Methodist Church — Missouri Conference,
United Methodist Church,
PROMINENT INTERFAITH LEADERS World Faiths Center for Religious Experience and
Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council
Jewish - 913.327.8104
Muslim - Mahnaz Shabbir
Buddhist - Lama Chuck Sanford
Hindu - Debabrata Bhaduri, Ph.D
Sikh - Charanjit S. Hundal, past president who has
been involved with interfaith work
American Indian Spirituality
COUNCIL MEMBER: The Rev Dr Kara Hawkins, 6642 Halsey St. Shawnee, Kansas 66216; KaraHawk@aol.com; 913-268-7223
ALTERNATE: The Rev Lee Slusher (Stumbling Deer), 7110 Antioch, Merriam, KS 66204; 913.362.0904
SPEAKERS: the Rev Kara Hawkins
and the Rev Lee Slusher--contact information above.
The Rev Kevin G Bear, 3940 Mercier, KCMO 64111, 816.531.5784
Heart of America Indian Center, 600 West 39th St, KCMO 64111
TEL 816.931.5229 FAX 816.421.6493 HaicIndian@aol.com
COUNCIL MEMBER: Barb McAtee, (h) 913.262.9319, (w) 913.588.5128
OFFICE: 6515 Independence Av, KCMO 64125, 816.231.5000 and 816.231.5010.
SPEAKERS: Barb McAtee, above
Mark Johnson
(h) 913.341.8942, (w) 816.524.3500
COUNCIL MEMBER: Lama Chuck Stanford, 7209 Black Bob Dr, Stillwell, KS 66085; lama108@aol.com, 913.897.5316
SPEAKERS: Chuck Stanford, above
David Carey, Shambhala, (h)
Diane Cunnard , 816.531.2258
Bethany Klug, (w) 816.753.4325;
(h) 816.333.3043
Ben Worth, American Buddhist
Ctr, c/o Unity on the Plaza
707 W 47th, KCMO 64112; 816.561.4466
Christianity – Roman Catholic
The Most Reverend Raymond Boland,
The Most Reverend Rober W Finn,
Coadjutor Bishop
Diocese of Kansas City—St Joseph,
PO Box 419037, KCMO 64141-6037, 816.756.1850
The Most Reverend James P Keleher,
Archbishop of Kansas, Catholic Archdiocese of KCKS
12615 Parallel Pkwy, KCKS 66109
COUNCIL MEMBER: George M Noonan, Chancellor, Diocese of Kansas City—St Joseph; PO Box 419037, KCMO 64141-6037, 816.756.1850, noonan@diocesekcsj.org
OFFICES: Catholic Chancery (300 E 36th, KCMO), PO
Box 419037, KCMO 64141-6037, 816.756.1850
Catholic Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas,
12615 Parallel Pkwy, KCKS 66109
SPEAKERS from the Chancery, PO Box 419037, KCMO
64141-6937; 816.756.1850:
Biagio Mazza, mazza@dioceskcsj.org
David Butel, buteld@dioceskcsj.org
Ken Greene, greene@dioceskcsj.org
Brother Dale Mooney, FSC, mooney@dioceskcsj.org
Sr Rose Therese Huelsman, IHM, huelsman@dioceskcsj.org
The Rev Bill Bauman, wbauman1@kc.rr.com
The Rev Paul Turner, St. Munchin Parish, 316 W.
3rd Street, Cameron, MO 64429, (816) 632-2768, PaulTu@aol.com
Josef Walker, Adult Education & Evangelization
Director, St Mark’s Catholic Church, 3736 Lee’s Summit Rd, Independence,
MO 64055; (w) 816.373.2600, (h) 816.358.9230, josefwalk@aol.com
Sr Ruth Stuckel, CSJ, 11725 Wornall Rd, KCMO 64114-5847;
Christianity – Orthodox
Doll, PhD, 12904 W 67, SMKS 66215, 913.268.4555
Adel Tadros, 8360 Hallet, SMKS 66215, 913.894.9366
Christianity – Protestant
Wallace Hartsfield
Metropolitan Missionary
Baptist Church, 2310 E Linwood, Kansas City, MO 64109; 816.923.3689; wshartsfield@sbcglobal.net
Church of the Nazarene — Dr Jack Stone, General Secretary; 6401 The Paseo, KCMO 64131; 816.333.7000; Dr William Miller, Council observer
Community of Christ — The Rev W Grant McMurray, President and Council observer, World Headquarters. 1001 W Walnut, Independence, MO 64050; 816.833.1000; gmcmurray@cofchrist.com
Unity — Association of Unity Churches, Glenn Moseley,
President, PO Box 610, Lee’s Summit, MO 64065; 816.524.741;
— Unity, Tom Zender, President, Unity Village, MO 64065; Unity Institute,
The Rev. Toni G. Boehm, Director; The Rev Sharon Connors, Council observer
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 5th Episcopal District, The Reverend Joseph Forbes, Presiding Elder; PO Box 2448, KCKS 66110
Blue River-Kansas City Southern Baptist Association, Dr Nodell Dennis, Executive Director, 4001 NE Lakewood Way, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064, 816.795.1822
Central Baptist Theological Seminary (American Baptist), Dr Jim McCrossen, President (interim), 741 North 31st St, KCKS 66102; 913.371.5313
Christian Church-Disciples of Christ, The Reverend Dr Paul Diehl, Regional Minister, 5700 Broadmoor #702, SMKS 66202; 913.432.1414
Community of Christ Seminary, Dean Don H. Compier, Graceland University, 401 W. Truman Rd; Independence, MO 64050; 816.833.0524
Episcopal Diocese of West Missouri, Bishop Barry Howe, 420 West 14th Street, KCMO 64105
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Bishop Gerald Mansholt, 3210 Michigan 4th Flr. KCMO 64109; 816.861.6584
Heartland Presbytery, The Reverend Craig Palmer (interim), Executive Presbytery, 3210 Michigan, KCMO 64109 816.924.1730
New Era Missionary Baptist District, The Reverend John Modest Miles, Moderator, Morning Star Baptist Church, 2411 E. 27th Street, KCMO 64127; 816.923.3559
Pentecostal, Bishop Daniel M Jordan, 800 E Meyer Blvd, KCMO 64131-1115
Presbyterian, Synod of Mid-America, The Reverend Dr John Williams, 6400 Glenwood #111, Overland Park, KS 66202; 913.384.3020, (fax) 913.384.0612
Saint Paul School of Theology (United Methodist), Myron F McCoy, President, 5123 Truman Road, KCMO 64127; 816.483.9600
United Church of Christ, The Reverend F Dale Parson, Associate Conference Minster, 717 Piute, Independence, MO 64056; 816.257.9826
United Methodist Church — Missouri Conference, Bishop Ann Sherer, 4800 Santana Circle, Columbia, MO 65203; 573.441.1770
United Methodist Church, The Reverend Ken Luetjen, District Superintendent, 4240 Blue Ridge Blvd #700, KCMO 64133; 816.743.9098
COUNCIL MEMBER: Kris Krishna, 12924 Howe Drive, Shawnee Mission, KS 66209 (h) 913.491.1662, krishna63@earthlink.net
OFFICE: Hindu Temple & Cultural Ctr, 6330 Lackman, SMKS 66217; 913.631.7519
Anand Bhattacharyya, 9143
W 92 Terrace, SMKS 66212; 913.341.5144; ambhatt@everestkc.net. Expertise:
Hinduism, Hindu concept of God; Vedanta. Availability: open
Arvind Khetia, 9712 Glenwood,
SMKS 66212; 913.381.0896; Expertise: Hinduism in general; Vedanta; Availability:
Pyere Mohan, 10302 Caenen,
SMKS 66215; 913.888.5062, 913.968.6327; Expertise: Hinduism in general
Availability: weekends and
evenings; Note: Structural Engineer for Butler Manufacturing
Priti Mohan (wife to Pyere
Mohan, above); Expertise: Hinduism in general; Availability: most times
days or evenings; Note: May need transportation
Nagar Nayak, 4436 SW Hillside
Drive, Lee’s Summit, MO; 64082; 816.537.4571; Expertise: Hinduism
in general; Availability: Evenings and weekends; Call in evening.
R “Kris” Krishna, 913.491.1662;
Expertise: Hinduism in general;Availability: weekends
Uma, Vedanta Society, 8701 Ward Pkwy, KCMO 64114, 816.444.8045, lsprugh@yahoo.com
COUNCIL MEMBER: A Rauf Mir, MD, 12613 Sagamore, SMKS 66209, 913.345.8317, araufmir@yahoo.com
COUNCIL ALTERNATE: Rushdy El-Ghussein, rushdyel@aol.com
A Rauf Mir, MD, above; Expertise: General topic
of Islam; Availability: evenings
Shaheen Ahmed, MD, founder, Crescent Peace Society,
Box 27023, SMKS 66225; 913.756.2651, 913.346.6190
Rushdy El-Ghussein, 6309 NE Walbash Dr, KCMO 64118;
816.452.7029; Expertise: General Topic of Islam; Availability: evenings
Ahmed El-Sherif, founder, American Muslim Council,
Heartland Chapter; shifa@juno.com, Box 6092, SMKS 66206
Abdul Rahman Raja, DO, 5212 W 128, SMKS 66209;
913.681.5135; Expertise: General topic of Islam; Availability: evenings.
Syed Eqbal Hasan, PhD, 14302 W 72 St, SMKS 66216;
913.631.6927, shasan@cctr.umkc.edu; Expertise: General topic of Islam,
Islam and the Environment, Muslim Contribution to Science (the latter two
topics are illustrated with color slides); Availability: days and evenings
Bilal Muhammed, Imam of Masjid Inshirah, 3664 Troost,
Box 300167, KCMO 64130; 816.763.7455, alinshirah@aol.com
Mahnaz Shabbir, Heartland Muslim Council, president;
Crescent Peace Society, vice president; Cres, Board Member, Mahnaz@shabbiradvisors.com,
816.213.2536, www.americanmuslimwoman.com, www.communitypeace.com, www.shabbiradvisors.com
Hindu Temple & Cultural Ctr, 6330 Lackman,
SMKS 66217;
Kishor Mehta, 2118 W 120, SMKS 66209; 913.491.4692;
Expertise: Jainism in general; Availability: open
Gulab Kothari, gkothari@acoustiseal.com
COUNCIL MEMBER: Rabbi Jacques Cukierkorn, New Reform Temple, 7100 Main St, KCMO 64114; Cukiekorn@sbcglobal, 816.523.7809
KC RABBINICAL ASSOCIATION: Rabbi Amy Wallk Katz, President, 13147 Rosewood, SMKS 66209
SPEAKERS: contact Jewish Community Relations
Bureau/American Jewish Committee, 5801 W 115, SMKS 66211; 913.327.8100
Stuart Lewis, 4919 West 78th, Prairie Village,
KS 66208, 913.649.5425; Expertise: Jewish Religion and
Customs; Bible Study
COUNCIL MEMBER: Caroline Baughman, 819 E 80, KCMO 64131, (c) 816.729.7112, breath_of_gold@earthlink.net
ALTERNATE: Mike Nichols, mike_nichols@geocities.com
OFFICE: Heartland Spiritual Alliance, Box 3407, KCKS 66103
SPEAKERS: Caroline Baughman, above; Mike Nichols,
Sikh Dharma
COUNCIL MEMBER: Karta Purkh S Khalsa, 3525 Walnut, KCMO 64111, 816.561.5337, kpurkakhalsa@kc.rr.com
Sat Tirath Ashram, 3525 Walnut,
KCMO 64111, 816.561.5337
Sikh Gurdwara, 6834 Pflumm,
SMKS 66216, 913.631.5947
SPEAKERS: Karta Purkh S Khalsa,
Sat Inder
K Khalsa, at Sat Tirath Ashram, above
COUNCIL MEMBER: Ali Kadr, 1840 Newton, KCMO 64126, (h) 816.483.8077, (w) 816.556.9246, Larry_Sousley@ffic.com
ALTERNATE: Rahima Sweeney, martyk@allspecies.org, 816.333.5663
COMMUNITY LEADER: Allaudin Ottinger, 4600 Lloyd, KCKS 66103; 913.432.3365
SPEAKERS: Ali Kadr, above
Huwiya Burdick 816.531.2228
Ira Sirkar Harritt 816.353.0688
Unitarian Universalism
COUNCIL MEMBER: Kathy Riegelman, 5726 Kenwood, KCMO 64110, (h) 816.444.5755, KRiegelman@aol.com
SPEAKERS: Kathy Riegelman, above
Expertise: UU history, faith, and practice
COUNCIL MEMBER: Daryoush Jahanian, MD, 1835 N 78th Place, KCKS 66112; 913.334.4084
COMMUNITY LEADER: Daryoush Jahanian, MD, above
SPEAKERS: Daryoush Jahanian, MD, above; Availability: evenings; Note: Dr Jahanian has written a paper and a book on Zoroastrianism.
OUT OF TOWN LECTURERS on Zoroastrianism:
Dr Ali A Jafarey, 10292 Carlotta
Ave, Buena Park, CA 90620
Dr Jehan
Bagli, 7 Cleveland Lane Rd # 4, Princeton, NJ 08540
Dr. Kersi
H Antia, 8318 W. 138th Place, Orland Park, IL 60462
Mrs Dina
G McIntyre, 1609 Lawyers Bldg, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Dr Farhang
Mehr, 1597 Centre St, Newton Highland, MA 02161
Dr Mehraban
Khodarandi, 647 School Street, Kohler, WI 53044
Mr Bahram
Shahzadi, California Zoroastrian Center,
8952 Hazard Ave, Westminister, CA 92683
Mr Homi
B Minocher Homji, 2085 Islington Ave # 1003,
Weston, Ontario M9P 3RI CANADA
Prof Keikhusrow
Irani, 410 Riverside Drive, NY, NY 10025