The Reverend Vern Barnet, DMn
bio page CRES minister emeritus vern@cres.org
RESPONSE #43 -- Referral to
The Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council
for networking / program assistanceDear Friend:
Thanks for your good work and for your inquiry.
Having founded and nurtured the Interfaith Council 1989-2004 and now asking it to do its work on its own, I'm trying to get out of the referral business and concentrate on my special interfaith passion of making sense out of the diversity of historic and continuing faith traditions in the context of the crises of our age, and useful methods for deepening interfaith understanding.
The Council is cooperating with this shift and will be eager to help you. Your inquiry will help get them in knowing about, and responding to, to community needs.
If you particularly want me please see this web page:
- to consult with you,
- to speak or be involved with your program, or
- to accept a writing assignment,
http://www.cres.org/work/services.htm.The Council's web site is
You can contact the Council via email:
info@kcinterfaith.orgA history of the Council appears at http://www.cres.org/pubs/HistoryofIFC.htm
which includes information about the unique virtues and defects of interfaith organization in the Kansas City area.You are welcome to access our archives which may have useful material for you at Archives/Publications
and in some cases Speakers.There may be other benefits in browsing our web site.
I am grateful to you for thinking of the many faiths which comprise our community and which can offer insights into the troubling issues and amazing opportunities before us today.
Vern Barnet