revised   07.01.30 --  Please reload/refresh....On the web since.1997.

click for information about these symbols of world religions and liberation movements

American Indian Baha'i Buddhist Christian Protestant Christian 
Roman Catholic
Christian Orthodox Jewish Hindu
Muslim  Sikh Sufi Unitarian Universalist Wiccan Zoroastrian FreeThinker OVERVIEW
1. Thank you for your interest in a speaker or speakers from the many religions practiced in Kansas City --
      Because of limited staff time, we ask that you please excuse this "boilerplate" response to you and hope you may find the help you need from it. 
If not, please let us
     2. Dr Vern Barnet,  founder of the Interfaith Council, KC Star "Faiths and Beliefs" columnist each Wednesday, and CRES minister emeritus, is passionate about introducing folks to ways of understanding how all faiths are alike and how they differ. His interactive presentation, "The Heart of World Religions," provides an overview, introduction, or summary for a world religions series and can address many topics about many faiths. Click here for information to schedule him.

     3. Josef Walker, our community chaplain, is a treasure with vast experience in the metro area working with a variety of religious organizations. He can assist you with your organization as it seeks contacts with folks of other faiths. And other members of the CRES team are eager to be of service.

    4. For suggestions about designing a world-religions series, please consider our Guidelines or write us at Box 45414, KCMO 64171 for a printed version of "Guidelines for World Religions Programs: How You Can Use Kansas City Resources."

   5.  The Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council, oranganized in 1989 and hosted by CRES through 2004, is now independent. Contact the Council from its website, The Council provides a Speakers Bureau.  Additional speakers are listed on our website's archive CRES Speakers Bureau which is no longer updated because of the Council's list. You can also inquire of the Council through the means listed on its contact page.

.    6. You might also want to know about our color quarterly journal, MANY PATHS. It regularly provides essays to help us understand and appreciate each other and other features. Reference material in our supplementary inserts become valuable aids. A PDF version is also available on our website. And our website provides other resources.

    7. Congratulations on pursuing this important educational opportunity and essential way for us to understand our neighbors and the world today.

    8. If this response does not provide you with the help you need, please let us know about your specific inquiry:

    9. For additional, specific information, you may contact David Nelson at The Human Agenda, Thank you for your interest in promoting interfaith understanding.

10. You may wish to partner with other organizations such as those we list on this link.

If you are not a CRES supporter and wish services such as this available to the community, 
please consider making a contribution to CRES, Box 45414, KCMO 64171.